Java 9 Module System
Mark Reinhold published the ‘State of the Module System’ a few weeks ago as a kick off for the JSR 376 Expert Group. Since then, we’ve slowly started to do some discussions in this expert group. Just a quick update of how the proposal relates to OSGi.
The module system consists of a dependency- and a service model.
The dependency model is based on exported packages and required modules. It introduces a new namespace for modules so that it can require them. A module can limit the exports to friend modules and a module can re-export its dependencies. It is basically a Require-Bundle with re-exports but without any versions. Modules are specified in the root of the JAR with a module-info.class file that is compiled from a file. This file is not extensible and does not support annotations.
I just wish the dependency model was symmetric. That is, require should use package names instead of module names. Around 2004 when we worked with Eclipse and they insisted on a similar model. Over time we learned that a symmetric model prevents a lot of problems. For example, if you split a bundle into two bundles then the bundles that depended on the original model do not have to be changed, they will get the imported packages from the right bundle. The proposal introduces a brand new namespace for modules but making the model symmetric would make this complexity unnecessary.
The most surprising part for me in the proposal was the lack of versions. No version means that the module-path given to the VM must be free of duplicates, putting the onus on the build system to achieve this. This seems to imply that the build system will generate the to prevent redundancy. When we make module-path an artifact created by the build system we can probably make the module system even simpler, I think.
Modules are properly encapsulated in the VM, resource loading and class access has gotten proper module access rules. The rules OSGi implements with class loaders will now get proper VM support. (And OSGi will be able to take advantage of this transparently.)
It will be interesting to see how the industry reacts to this strong encapsulation. Over the last few years a lot of people complained about OSGi when in reality it was only telling them that their baby was unmodular. It looks like people will run in identical problems when they will start to use JSR 376 modules. Very little code will work as a module without updates to the some of the cornerstone specifications like JPA, CDI, etc. (or at least implementations) since these specification assume access to resources and classes to scan the annotations.
The JSR 376 service model is based on the existing Service Loader. A module can ‘use’ a service by its interface name and ‘provide’ a service by specifying the interface and implementation class tuple. This is of course a static model, unlike the OSGi service model. Service Loader services are like global variables and are created only on request without context. Very unfortunate if you know how the dynamics of OSGi µservices can simplify so many hard problems.
For example, in the OSGi Community Event IoT Contest we have a railway track with multiple trains. In the SDK’s emulator the train bundles run local and are represented by a Train Manager service. The number of instances depends on the bundles and the configuration of those bundles. In the real world the trains run on a Raspberry Pi. This drastic change in topology is completely transparent for the rest of the software since we are using distributed OSGi to connect these computers. The static Service Loader model can of course not help in these scenarios.
It is good that the JSR 376 module system starts out with a very minimal design, simplicity is good. My concerns are that there are some implications in the current design that would make it possible to reduce the complexity of the module dependency model even further by reifying the module path.
For the service model I find the Service Loader too simple. The trend to microservices makes it clear that modern applications must be able to transparently interact with local services as well remote services and this cannot be modeled with Service Loader. Providing a proper service registry at the VM level would be more than worth the added complexity as all OSGi users can testify.
Peter Kriens