Is Docker Eating Java’s Lunch?
The reason I’ve put up with Java’s deficiencies so long (ok, now with Lambda’s it is finally starting to become a real language) is that I truly believe in the ‘Write once, run anywhere’ mantra. I’ve never understood why you want to write software that is not reusable and thus portable. Java achieved its portability by creating an abstract API for the interaction with the host Operating System (OS). I am duly impressed with Sun’s engineers of how close they got to this goal, the Java VM is amazing piece of technology.
However, in practice, writing portable software still required effort from the developer. Despite the abstractions (alas, if only they had stayed close to POSIX), there are many subtle, and some not so subtle differences, that must be handled by the developer. Just like the differences in the configuration of an OS or the way its file system is used (i.e. hard coded path names).
It Works For Me!
The dreaded ‘But it works for me!’ frustration drove the idea of virtualization, where the software runs on a standard (Linux) OS that is virtualized on each developer’s machine, which is then bitwise identical in test & production. The cost of this model was that it required schlepping around large images of many Gigabytes whenever the tiniest detail changed. Docker is, however, removing this disadvantage by making it very efficient to create, manage, and deploy these custom images.
So it looks like that the majority of Java applications in the future will run on Linux even if they run on MacOS or Windows, voiding the unique selling point of Java: portability. From now on, Java will be on par with every other language in the world regarding portability.
So what is left?
Java’s greatest asset is that it allows you develop very large applications with sizable teams and stay sane. Though its type safety and long name feel cumbersome for small applications it becomes a necessity when the code base grows, which it inevitably will for any successful product. Type safety gives you confidence that all the different parts are actually compatible; the long names prevent conflicts. Even more important, it gives you navigability in the IDE, crucial when you maintain a large code base. This is of course exactly the area where OSGi provides it benefits: extending the type system with private Java namespaces, a time dimension (semantic versioning), dependency model, and into the runtime. There is no competitor on the horizon here.
So though Java/OSGi seems still have some unique selling points, it is the programmer in me that is a bit sad because the Docker revolution is another win for the sloppy programmer. There is something fundamentally wrong in our software industry if our software is so brittle and fragile that we can only make it run in a rigidly defined bitwise identical world, it points at a fundamental failure in the way we develop software. Sadly, we have so far been unable to learn from nature. In nature, systems survive and evolve because they are dynamic, adaptable, and resilient, often even anti-fragile. The Docker revolution will actually make our systems even sloppier since now many bad practices will go unpunished and this will have a price tag. These now unpunished bad practices will make maintenance and evolution of the code base much harder, aggravating the situation down the line.
Then again, who cares what happens in the next quarter? This Docker development model will likely lower the use of the excuse: ‘But it works for me!’
Peter Kriens